Holiday Houses and Homes in Batemans Bay

Holiday Houses and Homes in Batemans Bay

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FAQs: Holiday Houses & Homes in Batemans Bay

Which types of amenities can you typically find in the holiday homes in Batemans Bay?

Among the amenities you can find on Holidu, it appears that the holiday homes in Batemans Bay offer everything that travellers desire! Here, the holiday homes generally offer a variety of amenities, the most popular being: air conditioning (73%), balcony (62%), and barbecue (52%)...What more could you want?!

How are the holiday homes rated in Batemans Bay?

On average, the holiday homes here are rather well rated. Last year's data reveals that 40% of holiday homes have a rating equivalent to or higher than 4.5 stars. This is a fairly high percentage which allows us to confirm that there are many that are very comfortable and will be the perfect choice for your next holiday.

Are the holiday homes in Batemans Bay suitable for families with children?

Holidu's data reveals that 52% of holiday homes in Batemans Bay are suitable for families with children, it will therefore be easy to find the ideal holiday home for you and your children.

Are the holiday homes in Batemans Bay suitable for travellers and their pets?

Definitely! In Batemans Bay, 17% of the holiday homes are pet-friendly, 9% also have a garden!

Do the holiday homes in Batemans Bay mostly offer an internet connection?

According to the data collected last year, around 42% of holiday homes in Batemans Bay include Wi-Fi, just what you need to stay connected!

How much does it cost on average for holiday homes in Batemans Bay?

According to the data collected last year, there are few holiday homes in Batemans Bay costing less than £100 per night.

Do the holiday homes in Batemans Bay usually come equipped with a fireplace or a pool?

Yes! According to the data collected last year, many holiday homes in Batemans Bay are equipped with a fireplace. It is the ideal destination for winter hibernating!

Are the holiday homes in Batemans Bay suitable for stays with the whole family or rather for an escape as a couple?

In Batemans Bay, according to Holidu's database, 48% of holiday homes are suitable for up to eight people, 34% of these holiday homes are made up of at least four bedrooms. But 99% of holiday homes also have facilities for groups of up to four travellers, 95% of the holiday homes have at least two separate bedrooms. Batemans Bay is therefore the perfect destination for taking your family on holiday (large or small)!